Κλείσε τα μάτια σου. Ακούς τον αμυδρό ήχο στο σκοτάδι; Νιώθεις τις πιο μύχιες σκέψεις σου, τους καλά κρυμμένους στα υπόγεια του υποσυνείδητου φόβους σου να παίρνουν μορφή; Καλώς ορίσατε στα σκοτεινά βάθη του νου... Καλώς ορίσατε στο Βασίλειο των Σκιών.
Not All Monsters Live Under Your Bed
If there was anything common among the stories of all the children Mark had taught over the last twenty-two years, it was the monsters hiding under their beds or in their closets.
It had become a tradition on the Halloween Eve, instead of the same boring exercises of arithmetic or grammar, to assign them to draw the monsters that were stalking them, in an attempt to exorcise their fears.
Among the hundreds of numbers stations that are lost in the shortwave lies Grim.
The most well-established conspiracy theories can not explain its existence and its transmissions - it does not belong to any secret spy network, nor does it seem to transfer orders to military forces operating in different parts of the world.
Grim was baptized so by two radio amateurs, somewhere in the mid-1990s and his name is due to his odd, eerie content.
Eternal Consciousness
I was one of the seven billion creatures inhabiting a trivial, blue planet that rotated around a small yellow star, somewhere in Orion's Arm.
I search my memory files and I find that, according to how they measured the time there and then, I was born in 2010.

Έξω υπήρχε απόλυτη ησυχία – μόνο το χουχούτισμα μιας μοναχικής κουκουβάγιας έσπαγε την παγωμένη σιωπή της νοεμβριάτικης νύχτας. Ακόμα και ο άνεμος, που όλη την περασμένη εβδομάδα ούρλιαζε μανιασμένος, τώρα έμοιαζε να κρατάει την ανάσα του, σαν ένδειξη σεβασμού στην απώλειά του.
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